How to Make Your Bathroom Feel Like a Spa

Decorating a bathroom can be daunting and it can be difficult to know how much you can actually do when it comes to the aesthetic. It's a common belief that you need space to create your own at-home sanctuary, but actually smaller spaces can feel much more relaxing. Keep scrolling to see my top 5 ideas which can help to make your bathroom look and feel more like a spa.

Mood Lighting

This is the first and most important step when it comes to designing a relaxing bathroom. It would be super difficult to unwind after a long week at work with bright spotlights shining into your eyes. The easiest solution to this is to install dimmers, these complement any room setup and are the most adaptable option. Another idea would be to add in alternate lighting as well as your main lighting source; backlit mirrors, architectural lighting and sconces are a few ideas.


A tidy room is a tidy mind. The best way to rid your bathroom of clutter is to install storage solutions into the design; this could be in the shape of cabinetry, shelving or wall recesses. My go-to rule for a bathroom display is to show only a few towels, a hand wash and lotion set and your favourite bottle of perfume. If you've got space to fill and want to display other items you could use baskets for towels, trays for beauty essentials and glass jars for cotton wool.

Don't Be Afraid to Go Dark!

Since the bathroom tends to be one of the smaller spaces in the home, it makes sense to assume that you must choose the brightest colours to make the room appear larger... but this doesn't have to be the case! Most spas have small treatment rooms and the walls, flooring and even the ceiling can look amazing when covered in a darker colour. On top of this, dark surroundings will accentuate your clever lighting solutions!

Bring Your Space to Life

We prioritise decorational accessories in every other room in the home, so why should we forget about them in our bathroom? Plants and candles are a must, but a stand out piece of artwork could look really nice, too. If you're tight on space, hanging plants are a nice idea as well as buying a bath caddy for your candles.

Natural Materials

My final idea applies purely to the aesthetic aspect of the bathroom. Most spas use as many natural materials as possible to reflect the calmness of nature in a man-made space. If it's possible to bring this into our homes, then we definitely should! Some examples of hard materials include marble, stone and wood.



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